Welcome to GASPOT

GASPOT on the Neo X EVM sidechain use GAS for our weekly draws

GASPOT has landed

1st 2nd & 3rd place prizes

Unlimited Jackpot 

Unlimited entries 

*Prizes are dependant on the number of entries 

Play Now

To enter simply send 1 GAS per transaction  to  0xF3d6BbF7412b75F3a602a0772C7f8D9c828E0646 then sit back and relax,

if you're a winner, prizes will be sent later that day

1 GAS = 1 Entry 

Further entries must be done in a separate transaction, again only sending 1 GAS per transaction


( read the transparency tab below )

To view future plans, plus news on the up coming SUPER GASPOT ( not yet live ) please check the preview tab 

Unlimited Gas prizes

Draw Details

Draws will be held every Sunday

The deadline for the weeks draw is 13:00 UTC every Sunday and prizes sent out later that day

Any entries after 13:00 UTC on a Sunday will be entered into the following weeks draw


Once entered simply sit back and tune in for the live draw


Tickets will be allocated to a transaction, the first transaction of the new game week will be assigned ticket #1, the second transaction will be assigned to ticket #2 and so on

For now, draws will be held live on the @AllThingsNeo YouTube channel

Keep an eye on our social media for up to date details, including current week entries/prizes and draws

Social media 

Recommended wallets 

Bridge GAS from Neo N3 to Neo X here 

Rating: 5 stars
4 votes

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